Saturday, March 20, 2010

Katelyn Makes Media

Hey this is Katelyn, here and I just finished my second round of Girls Making Media. This time I worked on a piece about the explosion of girls and women who are making music, art, video, and all kinds of media. Being on video is nerve racking but I'm glad I was able to get through it because it was pretty interesting It was also really cool to be able to sound off about an issue that I'm so passionate thanks Girls Making Media for giving me the tools!

Hello! It's Paloma here!

I have now attended another session at Girls Making Media. It was really fun!This is a great place to work because Quynn and Stephanie are so friendly! I hope that I may be able to attend again. I love Girls Making Media!

In this session, I was working on a PSA regarding GMM. It was really cool to create a media peice for my favorite place! :)I was actually creating this peice in unison with a project for my Youth Editing position. I will meet the criteria for my story, but i will make the PSA however I want! It will be attached with my story.... I hope that my employers like my video! They better like it..... ;p

Talk to you all soon!

Love, Paloma

Angels thoughts about session 6

Hey its Angel this time I recorded a video about attending the Expand Your Horizons Confrence at The UofA. It was fun beacuse I went with Margaret. We learned about Science and Engineering. We also learned about career options and we interviewed some very nice and interesting people. I can't believe I came this far in Girls Making Media! I remember when I first started. I am super psyched that Quynn and Stephanie asked me to emcee the showcase.


Madeline's first GMM experience

Girls Making Media was definitely a fun way to spend the last few Saturdays. The video i decided to make was about biking. i love riding my bicycle most everywhere, and i think more people need to use bikes as their primary mode of transportation. there are so many benefits of riding a bike, everyone should be doing it.


Hi, my name is Amelia, and I was a hippie child. This is why I chose to create my public service announcement about reading. You see, as many hippie children, I didn't watch copious amounts of TV. I read books instead, and I was read to. I firmly believe that this has helped me become a more observant person, a stronger writer, much much smarter, and an educated, interesting component of society. So thank you, Girls Making Media, for letting me share my opinions with the world, and to all of you internet, try to the resist the draw of the TV, and read a book!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Desiree here, in SESSION 7!!

I can't believe we are in session 7! I remember working on my first PSA in April of 2009!! I came back in session 7 (ages 18-21)to do my first social commentary style video. I was able to speak about the case of Constance McMillen in Mississippi.

With girls making media I have grown so much as a person, and have had the opportunity to speak directly to the public about important issues women and girls face everyday!! I love every moment spent here at Women Kraft with Quynn and Steph. :)

"when spider webs unite they can tie up a lion!"... That quote reminds me to NEVER SHUT UP, our voices matter!

Hey World! It's Aubrie!!

I had sooo much fun here at Girls Making Media and can't wait to work with them in the future! I did a piece on the war in Uganda and how it directly affects women. Now that I know how to edit videos I will most definitely start doing more PSA's at home! THANKS GIRLS MAKING MEDIA!