
While GMM as an organization is no longer active, Quin is available to mentor youth who are interested in uplifting their voices with media!  Contact Quin for more information.
Welcome to the Girls Making Media
Studio Internship Program
Once you have completed a basic GMM class, you can apply to become a GMM Intern!

As an intern you can...

*Practice skills that can help you get, or make, a job!

*Build your resume!

*Gain valuable media experience!

*Enhance your confidence in your job skills!

*Learn how you can make money making media!

“When girls and young women are put into a situation where a notepad, camera , and microphone are put in front of them, they suddenly have endless possibilities and tools to overcome fear and insecurities. With Girls Making Media I have grown so much as a person, and have had the opportunity to speak directly to the public about important issues women and girls face everyday. I am very proud to have been one more voice in this movement that is WOMEN! Thanks Girls Making Media for being an inspirational resource for young gals in the Tucson community!!” :)Desiree age 19 Intern

Once media skills are learned, the best way to improve is to practice. GMM’s Studio Internship Program is open to those girls and young women who have participated in at least one “beginning” classes. As an intern young women have the opportunity to enhance the skills they learned in beginning classes by choosing video subjects that they want to cover.  A few past intern video projects are shown below.  

*Enhance your Voice skills
*Increase your Confidence
*Create job skills for Yourself
*Work as an Individual or as a Team
*Share your voice with the World

Contact Quin at  if you are interested in being a GMM Intern.

Together we will translate digital skills into personal freedom and community service.
If you are a representative of an organization, or an individual, who would like to have a GMM Studio Intern create a promo for you, contact Quin for more information about details and cost!