
Girls Making Media has ongoing special projects, including:

Girls Health and Wellness-

GMM will place special focus on exposing children to good eating habits, highlighting the video series created by GMM intern and budding media personalities Haile and Nia of Kids Can Cook and the AZ Kids Food Revolution.
GMM highlights ways for children and young adults to move their bodies and cultivate healthy relationships with exercise.

Sharing and Preserving Culture-
GMM will place special focus on supporting cultural communities and Native nations in using media technology to share and preserve their culture, while teaching the youth in their communities the power of cultural documentation.

The Story of YOUth-

GMM knows that each girl and young woman has a story, and we want to document it! As girls tell their story, they not only share with others, they also learn important skills and gain self-confidence.

STEM for Girls! Science, Technology, Engineering and Math are great areas of study for girls, and GMM wants to help popularize these important subjects with girls of all ages!

Girls News!Girls make news, and girls need to connect with, and understand, the news of other girls in the world!