Saturday, January 23, 2010


yo it's mattie ! this was soooooooo fun i learned alot about video and audio making and editing at times and other stuff. it was frustrating at times but it was still fun. thanx GMM!

Cassie- Session 4

HEY! I am Cassie!
In girls Making media i had a great itme with my girl scout troop making a video about what real friendship is. Girls Making Media was so much fun and I can't wait to use my new skills in making videos to make future videos for girls like me to watch!
THANKS!!!! and have a great day!

Gracie- Session 4

Hey bloggers, I am known as Gracie. When making a youtube video, I learned technical skills along with making an influence on other girls. I am insprired to make more videos to deliver messages that mean something to me. I am also in Girl Scouts (as you can see in this picture), and learning these skills has prepared for future events in the scouts (like my Gold Project). Thank you Girls Making Media!!!!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Sustainable Desert Food is Complete!

Hello! It's Margaret, an oncoming goer to GirlsMakingMedia. I had recently composed a post saying that I was working on a sustainable food video for the Desert Museum's Green Teen contest. Well, this post is celebrating the completion of that video. Without further ado, I would like to present my eco video, labeled "Sustainable Desert Food"! It should soon be uploaded onto YouTube for all to watch and speculate over. I am estatic that I have gotten to share this eco-full experience at Girls Making Media.