Saturday, October 23, 2010

Leilani's Experience in Girls Making Media

I had such a blast these past two Saturdays and can finally say I have entered the digital age with my new ability to create videos!
The hands on learning method was so easy to understand and coming from a person who labels herself technological illiterate that's a a lot to say! I love the fact we used the programs that are available for free in our own laptops (i had no idea about that program) and am so inspired now that I'm saving up to get my own flip camera.

I did two videos on subjects I feel a strong passion for in my community. The first was a PSA to help promote the struggle we are facing in Tucson, AZ on the banning of Ethnic Studies in the Tucson Unified School District.
On May 12, 2010 AZ Gov. Jan Brewer signed into law HB 2281 that when it goes into effect on Dec 31, 2010 all school districts in the state of Arizona will lose 10% of their funding each month if they are caught teaching ethnic studies classes.
I feel so strongly about this issue because I was an ethnic studies student when I attended Tucson High and know for a fact I can trace back my gain of self-confidence and a voice to these classes. I wish the best for my former teachers who are now some the 11 plaintiffs taking the state of Arizona to court.
I hope everyone learns of our struggle.

The next issue I took on was a Dia de los Muertos message for the 253 recovered bodies of migrants found on the US/MX border this fiscal year of 10/1/09-9/30/10 only in the state of Arizona and just on the US side. That number consists of men, women and children who year after year since the enactment of NAFTA, were funneled into our Arizona desert due to the increased militarization on the main city border points of entry. So much human suffering and dehumanization is taking place in our border communities that I have promised to commit my life to spreading the knowledge out there that all these deaths are not just a coincidence, but were planned.

I hope you all like my videos and get a small glimpse into the world of social activism that I live today.

In love and solidarity,

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