Thursday, September 15, 2011

GMM and Kids Can Cook at MOVE Media's Event in Tucson

GMM's Director Quin Elizabeth Wilson was proud to introduce Haile Thomas of last night at Tucson MOVE Media's event "Athletes, Artists and Angels on the Move" at the Fox Theater. Haile shared her speech "There is a Gourmet Cook in Every Kid" with the audience, a speech she will share at the TEDx Kids Conference in Vancouver, BC this weekend.

Girls Making Media was proud to be invited to participate in this healthy and inspiring event hosted by Lucy Howell, publisher of MOVE media.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Our new YouTube Channel!

For our next exciting phase, GMM has started a new YouTube channel! Here it is- and check out our first video posted, highlighting the Women in Government awards hosted by the Pima County/Tucson Women's Commission.

Friday, August 26, 2011

CreateIt! sound Production Class

Girls Making Media instructor Quin is happy to host an upcoming sound production class at the Quincie Dounglas Library beginning Sept 13! Check it out-

Thursday, June 23, 2011

GMM Final Showcase!

The last two year grant period with the American Association of University Women and WomanKraft Art Center has come to a close, with so many successes! Thanks to the Every Voice in Action Foundation for funding the final Showcase! And thanks to the Screening Room for a fabulous venue. Thanks to the GMM interns who helped put on this event, and thanks to Quynn Elizabeth who coordinated it. A great collaboration! Now, on to the next phase of GMM! Stay tuned...

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Emma Hughes-Juan in the Newspaper!

Here is a link to the article about our recent Video Showcase, highlighting and interviewing Emma. Great job!

Archive- GMM on TV in Tucson!

Hi all!

Here is the link to our segment in October on the Morning Blend TV show in Tucson.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Its Serina

Being part of Girls Making Media was a fun experience for me because I like to edit and make videos, and thats basically what I did here. at first I wasn't really confortable on how my voice sounded on camera. but from the support of Quin and Ema, I felt a lot better. I had a really fun time and hope to return and continue this, and even bring some friends along to experience what I did.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Angel Here

Ayo, so today I helped Amanda with her first GMM video we filmed and edited it. I also helped Myranda with her filming. I have been working on some secret projects that will be aired at the showcase! I am working on a bloopers video and some other stuff for the showcase.
Neverr Say Never

Myranda's First Video!

I thought that making a video was fun and I liked it but, it was to much work but it was worth it and my sissy taty should of come because my mom and my entire family will be very proud of me. my name is myranda corrales and im 11 years old and i had my first experience making my own video on youtube. other kids see if you can make your own video at girls making media. farwell!

amanda is here in the studio

This year is my frist year in Grils Making Media. And this is my frist movie ever made in a long time. But I was shy the frist day and I did not know what to do at all. But my experience in Girls Making Media was a BLAST here making my frist vedio in my hole life. And for people that has not made a move before you should try it is a Blast making a movie because you get to meet new friends and many other friends too. And that other people can meet friends too. YOU SHOULD TRY IT IS A BLAST .

Just completed Melanie Lenart's Episode 2!

Margaret Here! I am just now rendering Melanie Lenart's second episode right now! Finally, one step closer to completing all the episodes and getting ready for the showcase on April 30th! Look out for Melanie's second episode on youtube; this time she will be talking about tipping points and what they do to our earth. Hope to see everyone at the Showcase!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


I came back a 3rd time for Girls Making Media to do a TEXTING WHILE DRIVING PSA with my two best friends. The great thing about free speech and media tools is when used together you can really make a difference. We were able to collaborate creatively on stressing the importance of not texting while driving in a light yet empowering way. I am very proud to have been one more voice in this movement!

I feel when important subjects such as this one are spoken about in different ways and by different voices, more people will resonate, and a greater change will occur! Powerful stuff!!

Thanks Girls Making Media for being am inspirational resource for young gals :)

Saturday, January 29, 2011


hello my name is jenine jose and i am 11 years old my piece is about music and my favorite music artists i'v never done this before so if you'v seen my video dont say anything mean about it because im just a kidd and its my first time doing this so yeah!:]

Life of art

Hi my name is Alyska cruz and I am 11 years old. Art makes me feel wonderful when I paint all the time when I paint I get inspired by the colorful colors surronding me.Art is like your life or friend to you and me.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Hey, everyone remember dont give up on your dreams....

this is Erica Garcia .and because i wrote this is because im having trouble with sports .but im prettty good in football ,and wrestling thats why i wrote this description....

Arshonne Cazares

I've never made a video before or posted anything on YouTube before this experience with Girls Making Media. This experience has been loads of fun and I learned lots of new things! I learned how to take audio clips and pictures and edit them to make a video. I also learned how to fix the format. By fixing the format, my video was able to look good on YouTube and not look too fuzzy. Again, I had so much fun and had a great time learning how to make movies.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Women's Commission Video

Hey there everyone, this is Emma from Girls Making Media just done with a video on the Pima County/Tucson Women's Commision, as always it's been fun editing and creating video and audio files, i found this video especially interesting since it's the on the Tucson's Women's Commission as not many women or young women are aware that there is such thing, so i did a video on the brief history about it so more people can become aware about the Women's Commission, i hope you enjoy!

Angel =P

Ayo., Angel Here.. Today I Made A DVD Of Previous Girls Making Media Projects.. The Reason Is I Started A Group At My School Called Teens Empowering Younger Girls., 4th-6th Grade Girls Will Me Mentored 7th And 8th Grade Teens. I Wanna Show The Girls How To Face Bullying, To Be A Good Friend, And I Want To Empower, And Help Them Gain Confidence.

Hey! Paloma here!

The last session of GMM that I went to; I did a PSA about Teens and Technology. I chose to do this video segment because I saw that many of my peers started to become obsessed with social networking, and because technology has become a VERY big part in our society. I have become accustomed to using different forms of technology, so I decided to research the benefits and drawbacks of technology.

I had a lot of fun in this session! Especially since Margaret and Angel were also here the past few times. :D

Special thanks to Quynn! :)

An Aspiring Filmmakers Experience

My name is Janice Suess, and I am going to write about my very serendipitous experience with Girls Making Media. I am 17 years young and I am currently a senior attending Cienega High School in Vail, Arizona. I was presented with the oppertunity to participate in a workshop called Running and Winning: Women in Polotics. In a rather timely positon, I decided to attend because of recent interest in how government works. My interest sparked through recent events in districe wide buget cuts, along with recent learned knowledge from my government class. Soon before attending the conference, I was presented with a challenging yet amazing oppertunity. My digital media teacher told me that Carol Dow, the leader of the Running and Winning workshop, was looking for a student to film for Girls Making Media. I eagerly accepted the positon. I partially filmed at the conference, but found that my multi tasking skills are not exactly top notch. I transfered my filming duties to another student, and gave my 100% attention into the workshop; a decistion that I am very pleased with. After the conference, I began the process of editing, luckily a process that I am familar with. Using Final Cut Pro, I spent many class hours working on cutting down unnecessary footage and racking up prime b-roll footage. I later wrote up a script that contained all of the criteria that Carol Dow and Quinn, the leader of Girls Making Media, had deemed crutial criteria in the PSA. I continued cutting down footage in order to make it bearably long to watch, and overlayed the footage and voiceover. Today I write from Tucson, where the Girls Making Media editing software is located. I have found my overall experience to be very rewarding, especially because I aspire to direct movies and procede with a career in film. The amount of editing, filming, and networking has provided me with a myriad of invaluable and priceless experience. The learning process that I have endured is one of the best endevours that I have experienced in my short lifetime. Thank you to everyone who has enabled me to complete this PSA and encouraged me to be involved in this great process.
Best of luck to anyone who participates in this wonderful program.
Janice Suess